Thursday, August 23, 2007

What have we been up to lately?

Well, we just returned from a small getaway to Charleston, Asheville and Savannah. We had a really nice time, just relaxing and trying not to think about work and adoption issues. It was easier to accomplish this with the presence of our computer and internet access absent. For all the prospective adoptive parents (PAP's) out there, I hope I am not the only neurotic individual constantly checking my e-mail. And, I mean constantly! I am posting some pictures of the most beautiful scenery in Charleston. No word of referrals yet but the month is almost up and I am still hopeful that there will be families receiving splendid news. We may still be one of them? If not, our time will come soon. I was reading an article the other day about making a Life Book for Mattine. A Lifebook opens the door to simple conversations about your child’s adoption, and tells them their unique story in a loving and open way. Life books are also a way to promote trust and attachment. It is a way to archive photos and stories honoring who the child is, where they came from and how they joined their family. It is a great place to introduce adoption language and provides a safe place for the child to ask questions about their life. I am going to spend some time getting together the format I want to use laid out (digital scrapbooking) and it will be ready for when we can start adding information. Oh, and the best news lately? We had a huge delivery of fabrics the last two weeks. We received quite a few from very dear friends and then my sister placed a "call to arms" to all her friends and they really rallied behind us. We had a blast opening the package and reading the messages for Mattine. I think we are almost up to 75 swatches. I have some work to do on the quilt page and I will get to that this weekend. Until then, ciao! And cross fingers and toes for referrals!

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