Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Year's Day fortune cookie said....

"You will travel to many places...."

Unreal. 2008. I can't believe it. Most importantly I can't imagine what this year will hold. Well, that was silly to say. I am hoping that at some point, and relatively early in the year, I end up holding my daughter. Anything else the year brings will be bonus. We received updated pictures last week. Our little munchkin is adorable. Her cheeks are still big and round and her eyes continue to sparkle. Not to mention how she can rocks out some serious old school striped pants like no other child I have ever seen before. Seriously, not too many would dare such a fashion statement and yet she does it calmly and confidently...chillin' as she curls her toes. Oh, the closet full of beautiful threads that await her.

I think I really nailed down some good New Year's resolutions. My list is a little longer than usual but I think I am up for the task. Being the accomplished list maker and task orientated freak that I am I am confident all will be well. And I have some time on my hands for the next couple of months so I was wondering if it counts if you knock them all out at the beginning of the year. Can you the take a hiatus the rest of the year?

Oh, and good news...Lost is due back on ABC Thursday, Jan 31st. Plan accordingly for the two hour extravaganza folks. I am a major fan, more like majorly addicted. Let me set the scene- the house needs to be silent, the lighting just right, and the phone ringer turned off. No talking. No kidding. No asking questions if you missed something. This house is hard core. I know, everything will change when she gets here. I can't wait! She will love Lost and her crazy mama.


Anonymous said...

those really are some fly pants. I think I owned a pair just like them once.

Leslie & Shaune said...

OH, i cannot wait for Lost to start up. I'm in serious withdrawl. We have to Tivo it and watch it when our kids go to bed... our house is generally too loud for Lost until after 9pm ;)

Carissa said...

Ahhh how cute and what a grand fashion statement! I hope you are holding her before you know it!

Kim said...

Just wanted to share that I know those cute orange striped pants. Today I got new photos and our little one is also wearing them. I hope you get approval soon and travel quickly.

Awaiting Victoria in TN 10/20