Sunday, August 5, 2007

I am in love.... with my new closet!

It is so beautiful. I can find everything and even things I didn't know I had. We had such a success with my closet that we have moved on to another room and now we have three more closets in the works. Talk about organized? The part I love the most is the sign my parents bought me a couple years back and my husband hung so that as I open the mirrored doors I am reminded that, "One shoe can change your life!"- Cinderella. Ladies, remember that saying the next time you see just the most perfect little "slippers" at the mall. Just one pair can change your life!


saucygoat said...

I love that Cinderella quote you put up. Too cute!

Lisa said...

Wow ..beautiful. I am in love with your closet too. When we build our house I am going to pay you to come organize my life.