Friday, August 31, 2007

Almost September

hELLO, FABULOUS people! I was hoping we would have some news to share by now but unfortunately that just isn't in the cards yet. We are still so excited and remain hopeful that "the call" will come shortly. What is that quote.... "If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side." SO.....I have been keeping myself busy maintaining Mattine's wish book, the book of wishes which correspond to the fabrics for her quilt. I am a regular at Michael's craft store and I am actually getting hooked on the whole scrap booking past time. It is a little pricey and very addicting. Everyone tells me I should enjoy it while I can because once our little bundle of joy comes home I will beyond busy. And I say, bring it on........Have a fabulous Labor Day everyone! (I will be cropping and pasting away!)

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