Another friend spurred this commentary........I think one of the toughest issues facing couples (without any other issues??) "What is for dinner?" This statement drives me crazy. "I don't know, did you have any suggestions?" As much as I would like to believe it is all about me (before Mattine arrives, of course), technically there is one other individual involved in meal preparation. "What do you want", starts the dialog.............." I don't know what do you want?". Back and forth we go. A beautiful waltz of food choices. Luckily I am not the one who cooks in the family and although I am thrilled by this fact it causes a different stress altogether. I would cook but my work schedule demands that I work late so............ I vote that the one who cooks can decide what is for dinner. What an amazing amount of freedom, right? So, in the big scheme of things what does it really matter what's for dinner? The cook in the kitchen at my house always has something wonderful prepared and I am so grateful. I guess I am exploring a low point (adoption related) and just randomly venting. Aren't there bigger issues at hand in the world that need our attention ( i.e. global warming, the elections, children's rights, medical care reform, SAVING THE EARTH FROM OURSELVES?) Because, I will go for pizza every time! I am easy...........
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
The fun of Halloween
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Honestly, I couldn't make this stuff up?
So, if you read the last couple of posts you would see that we are some place between excitement over our CFC (referral) and manic depression (NOIDS in Vietnam). One moment we are up and the next we are down- such is the case with international adoption. We are constantly reminded of our situation by those around us, "Remember, nothing in international adoption is concrete. Things are always changing." No kidding Captain Obvious, how could I forget? Well, the latest in our bag of goodies is that USCIS made an announcement between Tuesday and Thursday that the USCIS will now be asking that prospective adoptive parents file their I-600 prior to travel. This pre-approval may take up to approximately 60 days and then one has to wait for USCIS to send it back to the US before travel and then coordinate one's Giving and Receiving ceremony with Vietnam. The change in the system takes place within a week of the announcement. A week. There are many details and I am sure the kinks will get worked out. This effects all families adopting from Vietnam regardless of agency or province. We were probably fairly close to receiving our travel call. Needless to say and simply put, we will be delayed. We can only wait and hear from our agency as to the repercussions of this new plan. Going forward, this will be a good thing for families traveling and I am sure will make travel times shorter. It will also ensure that the child best interest's are protected and preserved. Unfortunately, this will most likely delay us until January or February. So........ we wait. I think a Caribbean island is calling our name?
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Baby Shower!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A post I have not wanted to write.....
For those of you in the adoption community, whether that be domestic or international, we are given tickets on this tumultuous roller coaster ride and while we constantly check the harness to make sure it is securely fastened we know that at some point in the ride it will be bumpy. We hope to not be thrown off the ride at any point or to be suspended up-side down for any period of time but the we read read the warnings before climbing on. The last couple of weeks have been turbulent concerning adoptions from our little girl's orphanage in Vietnam. There have been families who have had to return home without their children. There have been numerous rumors. There are countless unknowns. Our future as a family hinges on the next couple of weeks and how matters resolve. We are heart broken for the families involved and we are at a loss of words for what this means for us. Perhaps, it means only a delay and perhaps it means more than we are willing to acknowledge right now. I read a post from a fellow blogger who, like the rest of us challenged with having a family, began to question how her and her husband would define themselves if they choose to not have children. My husband and I have had that conversation, a soul- searching , gut- wrenching conversation. Now that we have embraced the prospect of our family and we have attached to the pictures of our daughter I can not imagine life without her. I see books I want to read to her before she goes to bed at night. I envision her telling me about her day at school while I pack her lunch for the next day. I can not imagine not having her. So, I post this to say that we are troubled right now because at best we may be delayed. And most important I post this to say there are families out there hurting and grieving. Let's try and be understanding and supportive even though we really can not imagine their burden. Lastly, we appreciate your warm thoughts and positive energy. When we know something more.........
Friday, October 12, 2007
Snack-sized Halloween Candy
Friday, October 5, 2007
A little questionable news but a whole bunch of good pictures!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Where are we?
We are here... just still taking in the fantastic news about our referral. I have felt very conflicted about blogging lately but I wanted to stop in and say "hello". I am a very task orientated individual and I always have a list of things to do at hand. Lately, I am just reminding myself to make a list of things that need to get done without actually completing anything. I am being so unproductive. This is a very strange time for me. I feel so unprepared for this next step in our journey. When you are in the process of adopting you spend all this time gathering forms and having things signed and notarized. You are stuck in a process. Then, you wait. An agonizing wait because you can't quite see the light at the end of the tunnel. And then you receive the best call in the world! And for most they slip into hyper-drive while I have slipped in neutral. Anyway, I am feeling like I am letting precious time fly away. Other adoptive parents always say that this part of the waiting is the hardest. It is but in a much different way. I am peace knowing that we have been matched to our child and knowing that the clock is ticking away and that soon we will meet her and start our family with her. But I am really at a loss as to what I should be doing now. A couple of amazing friends have planned a couple of showers for us and I am so looking forward to these events. Last weekend we went to visit my husband's mother who is 92. She still lives at home and has in-home care but she is doing awesome. I mean to wake up every day at 92 and just keep on going takes great spirit and immense mental fortitude. She is quite an inspiration. She has a boyfriend, he is just a couple of years younger than her and quite animated. He lives across the street and the only reason I mention this is because while we were visiting he came over to sit with us. He is so loving and full of admiration for my mother-in-law. He is constantly telling her how beautiful she is and how she is the love of his life. That is so amazing to see- genuine love and respect. It was a beautiful afternoon. SO, if you get a little out of sorts today just slow down a little and show someone you care about how much you love and respect them for being who they are. Oh, and laugh a little. Humor really makes things a lot easier. Before we left my mother-in-law's house, we placed a picture of the baby in a frame on the counter. Now, she had seen the picture all day and really hadn't commented on Mattine. I think she was still processing what we were telling her about the baby. As we turned to leave and as we told her we would bring our little girl to meet her grandmother she said, "she is a little butterball!" And granted in the picture our daughter looks like she has not missed a meal, the comment was so unexpected that we all cracked up laughing. AND then we knew she had "gotten" what we were there to tell her. Besides that, I am not really going anywhere in particular with this post other than to say- we are great. We are still here and counting the days. But we know nothing as to when we might hear travel news and we have no new updates on our baby girl. And I am still not getting anything accomplished on my "to-do lists". But we are so happy!