I am a french fry toucher. I have a couple of food fetishes and one of my wackiest ones is that I always "feel" my french fries before I pop them in my mouth. I know this sounds strange. But I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulder by confessing this odd behaviour. Here's the deal: I don't like mushy anything especially french fries. I don't even like fried food but given the fact that the potato slivers are called "french FRY" it just insinuates crunchy, firm, solid, and slightly hollow. It does not mean, soggy, oily, moist, or flimsy. My test method is simple. Pointer finger gently presses the meatiest portion of the fry and waits to see the reaction of the cooked carb. This is a hard habit to break when out with friends who have yet to encounter the "touching" spectacle. And I must add that I won't start to man handle anyone else's fries, poking around on someone else's plate uninvited....unless of course we are on a first name basis and you are comfortable with the process. Needless to say, very few french fries actually pass the test and so it really isn't too much of a problem for my waistline. It's kinda it's own weird diet. My food issues don't stop with french fries. I don't eat bread. And this is not because of any "non-white" diet food item. I just don't like bread. Bread baskets at dinner do nothing for me except clutter the table. If I was going to eat bread it must not be soggy. That means that I have a time limit on when I can eat a sandwich if there were any condiments on it i.e. mayonnaise, oil and vinegar, mustard. I am always racing the clock and fighting the wetness factor of the bread. I get completely freaked out when foods unintentionally touch each other. It's not that I can't mix food but I have limits as to what can and the conditions must be appropriate. I especially have a problem if something salty touches something sweet. I don't like liquids from the meal to be on my plate. There have been occasions when I have had to wipe my plate free from liquid. If I totally hate the food on the plate it needs to be removed quickly. For instance, if they bring a pickle on the plate (I am a finicky pickle eater) then I need to place it on someone else's plate or at least a napkin if I am not going to eat it. I like my food either hot or cold but nowhere in between. When food is ready I believe it should be eaten, then with no delay. I don't gally-lag around the kitchen. I sit down and eat. I have no idea where all these strange issues came from. My parents are completely normal and did not instill this in me. I am very lucky that loved ones and friends understand and accept my odd food behavior. I am discreet with my food fetishes. I never make a scene or display bad behaviour in public. Most important and in terms of the future, I am hopeful that my daughter will not learn these bad habits from me. I know the cycle needs to be broken. I acknowledge that once Mattine arrives I will be so busy with her and our new life I will be elated to eat a soggy french fry. Hopefully it will be the match stick kind- much less chance of finding a flimsy fry!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I have to admit...
7:22 PM
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You will be amazed at what you eat after you have a child. I was not to your degree but a picky eater (nothing could touch, cake and ice cream on the same plate would send me over the edge)my entire life. Now I am glad if I still have food on my plate to eat after ds has eaten.
I like to order my fries crispy or well done. This way (if done properly) they should not be soggy at all but you do run the risk of being over cooked and that is nasty too. The art of cooking the french fry is harder than one would think
We have yet to partake in a meal; but now I know (when we do), we will be fighting over the french fries!
Love your new look.
Sis-"I get completely freaked out when foods unintentionally touch each other." I actually love this about you because it makes me feel not so crazy :) You didn't mention the fact that you prefer to eat your food in order, not to be mixing...also that when eating with others you prefer that they keep their crunching to be to a minimum!! I love you and all your craziness!
Oh I should so introduce you to my sister who has MANY of the same issues. We actually bought her Corelle plates that have dividers (a whole set of 12 in a small and larger size) so that she never has to deal with some of her issues. She has split the set up so that places where she knows she will be dining regularly and not using paper plates there is a set of the plates! So do not fret, you are not alone! And I have heard that you will be amazed at what you eat after you have children!
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